Expert solutions

MONT helps partners to solve customer problems, including but not limited to the choice of products. We help reduce costs, improve the security and efficiency of your IT infrastructure and solve other problems.

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We assist you and your customers

Who is suitable for?

We share our expertise at all stages, including presales, implementation and post-sales support. As a result, our partners receive a turnkey solution: products and services from a single source.

MONT expert solutions are useful, if:

  • You are lacking competencies or experts
  • You need help or extra services
  • You have non-specific requests from your customers
  • You need to get the whole range of services from one source
  • You need to develop new markets

MONT competences

Cloud distribution

Server virtualization

Infrastructure management

Backup systems

Unified communications

Information security

MONT Expert Services

Expert advice at presales stage

  • Current customer infrastructure audit
  • Business tasks detection and consulting
  • Set up demo stands (using MONT infrstructure)
  • Pilot projects Implementation (at customer’s site)
  • Tender support (implementation as per request, post-sales technical support)   — providing technical certificates, help arrange technical requiernments, products deployment,

Get a consultation

Working with us is convenient and easy

Direct business

Working through partners or on behalf of vendors

Quality assurance

Quality assurance and long-term cooperation oriented

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Years of experience

Solution implementation experience

Comprehensive customer support

Products and services from one source

Certified expertise

High qualification and periodically updated certificates

Do you want to become
a partner?

This form is for registration only. If you are already a MONT's partner please contact your personal manager

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